Camilla Andersen, PhD, MD
Visiting Scholar (2019), Mixed Methods Program, University of Michigan Assistant Professor, Center for General Practice, Aalborg University, Denmark Faculty Profile |
Dr. Camilla Andersen is a medical doctor with clinical experience from both hospitals and general practice. She is training to become a general practitioner and her career goal is to combine clinical work in general practice with research, quality development and teaching. For the past six years she has been working as a researcher at Center for General Practice in Aalborg with a main focus on the use of ultrasound in general practice. She believes that every clinician will be using point-of-care ultrasound in the examination of patients in the future and so she strives to contribute to a foundation of knowledge about appropriate use of the technology. She is a teacher at the medical school at Aalborg University and she supervises medical students writing their bachelor or master thesis. Her research involves using both qualitative and quantitative methods preferably combined in mixed methods research designs.